Defaid Candy Co.
The Defaid Family has many parts, Roxanne's candy company is one of those parts.
Hello! Roxanne, here welcome to Defaid Candy Co page!
Defaid Candy Co and Defaid Emporium are proud to be carrying on a long tradition from a dear friend that supported our 4-H programs for many years with her delicious candy. In 2018, I had the opportunity to purchase all our beloved candy recipes and started Defaid Candy Co. I know the name seams strange, but it is line with all our other Defaid family businesses: Defaid Livestock and Defaid Emporium. No, our name is not Defaid, it is Evans; however, the name Defaid has meaning to the family. The Defaid name is a Welch word for sheep and the Evans family can be traced back to Wales. When we started the Dorper Sheep operation, we wanted a unique name and we found it. We decided for branding purposes to carry the name across all our businesses.
I started with some traditional candy like peanut brittle, pecan brittle, peanut patties, pecan patties and peanut clusters. As I became more comfortable with the candy making process, I branched out a little and created my own version of Jalapeno Brittle, Spicy Chocolate Pecan Brittle, Datenut Patties and Dark Chocolate Cayenne Bites.
We have been overwhelmed with the wonderful response from our customers and hope to continue serving you for many years to come! You can buy our wonderful products online, in store and at many of your favorite craft and vendor shows. If you don’t see something you want, please don’t hesitate to ask, I can usually make a batch within a day or two. Thank you for being a supporter of a small, local, Go Texan business!